Fujifilm Recipes

for those who just want to shoot... and be done with it

All recipes share the following specs:

Sharpness -1            Dynamic Range 400         Noise Reduction -4


Vibrant and rich, but tamed and clean. Named after a loved one and the Japanese word for flower. Good for both subtle sky gradients, and stark color contrasts.


ISO 640-2000

Grain - weak, large (no grain if no large option)

CCFX - strong

CCFXB - strong

WB - daylight +1r, -2b

H +0.5, S -0.5 (S +1 if no clarity)

Color -2 (unless no CCFX options, then -1)

Clarity +3

Portra 79 

A blended aesthetic between Kodak Gold  (atomic number 79) and Kodak Porta. This warm and rich recipe is great for portraits and travel photography where you want to set it and forget it. Great skin tones, great landscapes, great memories. 


ISO 640-3200

Grain - weak, large (no grain if no large option)

CCFX - weak

CCFXB - strong

WB - daylight +2r, -4b

H +1, S 0 

Color 0 (unless no CCFX options, then +1)

Vista Cruiser 

I developed this recipe as an homage to Ansel Adams. It's contrasty, but retains details and is good in nearly any non portrait situation, but excels with landscapes. Dark blue skies can look grainy– embrace it. 

Acros (red)

ISO 640-2000

Grain - weak, large (no grain if no large option)

WB - daylight -5r, +4b

H +0.5, S +1.5 (S +2 if no clarity)

Clarity +4

Zen Paper

This was my first successful recipe. I made it originally to have a gritty, use it anywhere kind of black and white. Great for anything, especially street. Lean into the highlights!

Acros (yellow)

ISO 1600+

Grain - weak, large (no grain if no large option)

WB - auto 

H +2, S +4 

Newport 60

This one is all about skin tones. I'll leave it at that.

Acros (green)

ISO 640-2000

Grain - off

WB - daylight 

H -0.5, S -0.5 (-1 for H and 0 for S if no half steps)

Using Format